
As our website name already suggest that we offer Free Word to PDF tool to users free of charge where they can convert word documenst to pdf and apply security features on their pdf documents. You upload a word file, convert it to pdf and optionallay choose the security options and we then apply those securuty measures on your pdf documents to protect as you would have wanted. After you download your secure pdf, your data is deleted from our servers. To protect our users data, download links also remain valid for only one hour and expire after that.

Following are the features our service(Free Word to PDF) provides:

Convert word documents to pdf format.

Supports both doc and docx formats.

After converting word to pdf, you can also protect pdf with follwoing options:

Apply user password

Apply owner password

Allow or block Priting of pdf

Allow or block copy contents of the pdf

Allow or deny to edit contnet of the pdf

Allow or block screen readers on pdf

Allow or block modify annotations in pdf